Dollar Tree Is Raising Prices And People Cant Handle The Change

The Dollar Tree chain is making a big change that could mean less change for customers.

That’s because Dollar Tree will start selling items that cost more than a buck, according to The Associated Press.


The rising prices are, in part, because of inflation, but CEO Michael Witynski claims the addition of items that cost more than, well, a dollar, is about giving customers more choice.

“For decades, our customers have enjoyed the ‘thrill-of-the-hunt’ for value at one dollar ― and we remain committed to that core proposition ― but many are telling us that they also want a broader product assortment when they come to shop,” Witynski said in a prepared statement.

The chain has already added a “Dollar Tree Plus” section at some stores, featuring items selling for as much as $5. And now, products that sell for $1.25 to $1.50 will be found among the $1 products.

The AP speculates that raising some prices will allow Dollar Tree both flexibility and more variety on its shelves.


But some customers can’t handle the change, based on the reactions of Twitter users.

When dollar tree changes the prices you already know what time it is.

â€" Minda Harts (@MindaHarts) September 29, 2021

Has the definition of the word "dollar" changed, and no one notified us?

â€" (@Dictionarycom) September 29, 2021

I get out of therapy for my trust issues and what is the FIRST thing I see

â€" Jude "Please Buy MAW #1" Doyle (@sadydoyle) September 29, 2021

i swear on my wedding i had a dream the other night that i went into dollar tree and was appalled that they had gotten rid of their dollar menu 😳

â€" elizabethany [eb] (@luvelizabethany) September 29, 2021

â€" Andy Hirschfeld (@andyreports) September 29, 2021

i don't even know what to believe anymore... everything ive been told is a lie.

â€" Tony X (@soIoucity) September 29, 2021

Some people thought a name change might be in order.

Drop some names that Dollar Tree should change to, we'll start: Dollars Tree

â€" pearpop (@pearpopofficial) September 29, 2021

More-than-a-dollar Tree

â€" Lynn Afendoulis (@LynnAfendoulis) September 29, 2021

Two-Dollar Tree sounds like a movie sequel no one wanted.

â€" Max Filby (@MaxFilby) September 29, 2021

Another person felt it necessary to drop another truth bomb.

Also we might as well tell you now there's no tree in there either.

â€" Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) September 29, 2021

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