Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday August 14

By Hedy Damari August 14, 2021 â€" 12.00am


March 21- April 19

If you’ve had a difficult time with a colleague or neighbour, communicating with Mercury will help to ease tension. You’ll feel more cooperative than usual and willing to assist. Instead of focusing on being right, pour your energy into a positive outcome where everyone benefits and works together. Also, be kind to yourself and do something for your mental health.

Every star sign on love, career and more.

Every star sign on love, career and more.Credit:iStock


April 20-May 20

After seemingly tireless efforts you’ll be desperate for spontaneity, fun and a break from the mundane. With your yearning for excitement and sense of mischief at their peak you’ll be unable to resist indulging in a little shock value by carefully timing the most inappropriate thing to say in front of a conservative audience!


May 21-June 21

Ever considered charging by the hour? Today your words are golden and much sought after with loved ones coming to you in droves for advice on everything from marital problems to fashion tips. You will also be in the position to influence an important outcome which will have a profoundly favourable effect on your future!


June 22-July 22

With the eloquent Mercury and charming Venus in your sector of self-expression you’ll feel talkative and in the mood for scintillating conversation. A constant need for mental stimulation and dialogue might have partners desperately searching for the off button! You’ll also want to explain issues and clarify your stance especially with old friends and siblings.


July 23-August 22

Someone from your past may resurface and give you closure, so don’t be surprised if you bump into an ex. Some of you may feel a pang of longing and nostalgia but the rest will feel as though you dodged a bullet! Those of you in relationships will also have a burst of love and appreciation for your partner.


August 23-September 22

If you’ve been at loggerheads with someone in your professional arena, particularly people in a position of power, now is your chance to get them on side. With your charisma receiving a cosmic boost you’re sure to make friends and powerful allies. This is also the right time to call in some favours.


September 23-October 22

Saggies are known for being good natured, having generous spirits and spreading sunshine. However, if it’s been a while since you performed a random act of kindness today is the day. The smallest gesture towards a stranger, whether retrieving a dropped coin or offering a warm smile, will restore their faith in humanity, especially now.


October 23 â€" November 22

You have the platform to show your worth, and the timing couldn’t be better. A powerful cosmic alignment will bolster your confidence and influence â€" handy for negotiating contracts, giving presentations or launching an empire. Work benefits aside, the company of others will be a tonic for couples, while singles will experience more than your share of romantic prospects.


November 23-December 20

Random fortune this way comes! Whether money is dropping in your lap in the form of hefty tax return or generous gift or perhaps Lady Luck manifests as different - more along the lines of blitzing an exam, winning a top job or having your highest expectations met, any of the aforementioned will be great cause for a happy dance!


December 21-January 19

Fun-loving Venus joins intellectual Mercury in your sector of higher learning bringing out your philosophical nature and encouraging you to ponder life’s big questions. You’ll feel curious and compelled to learn, particularly about subjects that you’ve been interested in, whether it’s a formal course of study, research or reading. This is also a great time to expand your spiritual horizons.


January 20-February 18

You may receive news regarding joint finances, loans or some sort of business deal. If your needs aren’t being met perhaps it’s time to reconsider your options whether that means looking elsewhere or compromising. Today’s climate is good for resolving issues so wrap it up. Familiar voices, faces and places will bring more pleasure than something shiny and new.


February 19-March 20

Do something selfish for a change! A bit of well-earned self care doesn’t mean you’re shirking responsibility or abandoning ship but if you really need to justify it some ‘me time’ will make you a better mother, daughter, partner and person. Meanwhile, issues surrounding debts or loans will be cleared up provided you are proactive.

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